“An organic and natural living experience in harmony with nature”
Teach confidently, gain flexability & strength, discover inner peace through our transformative Meditation Technique. Learn how to use food as medicine to secure a strong digestive system and easily assimulate foods so as to gain high levels of energy. Learn about real Yogic practices and confidently include these into your Yoga Wisdom teachings. Using transformational technology, we have created and deliver a women only small group personalized YTT intensive Self Mastery program that has high quality standards at a cost and time effective self investment value. Our students and graduates are from around the world and we accommodate those that have English as a second language.
HERIZENā¢ Yoga for Women is a Yoga AllianceĀ® Internationally Registered Yoga School (RYS). We offer unique personalized women Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive & Self Mastery Yoga Camps on Vancouver Island in Canada and Baja California Sur, Mexico. This is a Level 1: 200 Hr Women Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive that fully meets the requirements for the Yoga AllianceĀ® Registry. We now offer our unique personalized program Online via the Virtual Oasis Ashram.
Today, our Vancouver Island Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive for women have created testimonials of transformation, illumination, self-mastery, blending healthy lifestyle choices, a circle of wellness, bringing forth the inner light, moving beyond learning to true unfolding, and a wealth of spiritual practices to share with other women. Our students come from Alberta, BC, Quebec, Manitoba and other areas across Canada, USA, Europe, Switzerlan, UK, India, China, Korea, Japan, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico and beyond.
Take this opportunity now to Master the Self – Align and Balance your energy to BE and enhance your present Yoga practice as a confident Yoga Teacher offering the world the gift of Consciousness through Yoga in every moment. Drop back to nature at a private Nature House Retreat on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Our women only Yoga Teacher Training sanctuary is peacefull, beautiful and serene. Take the next step now in your own level of Yoga mastery and become an Internationally recognized Yoga Teacher today!.
Through this intensive Vancouver Island Yoga Teacher Training / Certification for women by women you will have completely individualized instruction, practice of Asanas, anatomy & physiology, learn a natural simple Natural Meditation technique, mantras, sacred singing, chanting, kirtan, puja, universal dances of India and the World, pranayama, chakra activation, philosophy of Yoga, ethics, introduction to Ayurveda with an emphasis on nutrition (focusing on prana-rich foods) and healthy lifestyle choices, basic Sanskrit and an abundance of Yoga teaching practicum. Also included are: transformational confidence building techniques to assist you in BEING empowered to apply what you learn immediately in all phases of your life. Positive verbal cues to ensure safe Yoga classes. During this intensive Yoga Teacher Training for women you will be teaching Yoga days before you certify. Our Van Isle YTT Yoga Camp for Women Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive is intimate and intense, for you who choose to achieve MASTERY.
We specialize in personalized Wellness Training – a celebration of vitality. If you are an outdoor trainer or wilderness guide we can assist you to bring Yoga and other wellness practices into your outdoor program environment. Yoga & Wellness is a celebration of Wholeness.
This Van Isle YTT Yoga Intensive for Women is located at Blue Heron Yoga & Ayurveda on Mudge Island a private property near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. It is a personalized program accepting only 6 students for this 2022 Summer Intensive Program. Open to women with a minium of 6 months to 1 year Yoga practice. Students will have a sincere desire to learn, grow and from the heart offer service to your community, others and Mother Earth.
This Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive & Self Mastery for Women is a solid foundation that you can use to teach any style of Yoga that is ideal for you.
Next Online 200 YTT TBA
Pease Note: If you reside outside of Canada and pay in USD the YTT course is tax free. If you reside in Canada and pay with CDN then you pay an additional 5% GST)
*July 4 to July 16, 2022
Level 1: 200 Hr YTT Intensive held at Blue Heron Yoga & Ayurveda on Mudge Island near Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Personalized for women only we limit our program to 6 participants only.
Yoga Alliance Recognized.
SELF INVESTMENT – Regular Self Investment $3495 CDN
Applicable 5% GST
*Mar 14 to Mar 26, 2022 13 days YTT Clarananda $2695 USD SpaceCovid -19 Protocols and only 6 applicants for private accommodation. Held at the Clarananda Nature Retreat near Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ocean front in nature.
*Oct 13 to Oct 28, 2022 North India & South India Oct 28 to Nov 5, 2022
Mexico Mobile: 011 52 1 612 131 6387
Canada Mobile: 1.604.354.1317 (July only)
Note: GST Applicable taxes apply. We recommend that you Purchase Trip Cancellation Insurance
Move forward on your journey Now! or
Email: or call skype valma-herizen
What other Yoginis have to share
“Valma’s offering is SO MUCH MORE than Yoga Teacher Training. Valma taught very precise alignment, nurured our confidence and shared everything we would need for teaching our own classes, and in addition, she transported us to India! We not only learned about the philosophy of the roots of the Yogic way, but we also included these accompanying practices into our daily rituals. I particularily appreciated the opportunity to eat in the Ayurvedic manner. Valma spared no expense and trouble in preparing any dish or tea. Her enthusiasm to impart these principles helped me to not only experiement with my diet but to also stick with it. I came back not only a Yoga Teacher, but someone with the tools to live a more balanced lifestyle. Thank you Valma!” Sherry Lavoie – Canada
“This All Inclusive Package Includes” Shared accommodation at Blue Heron Yoga & Ayurveda a private waterfront property on Mudge Island near Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Like the ancient yogis we live in the forest surrounded by beautiful trees, lovely spaces and great energy. Living in harmony with nature there are many tranquil spaces for meditation and connection with our divine Mother Earth. Our Nature Retreat is held at a lovely waterfront home complete with individual beds, bedding, pillows, the sounds of nature and the Salish Sea with views outside your window. Vegetarian / Vegan organic meals include an abundance of local fresh fruits, organic vegetables from on site organic / local farm gardens, fresh organic herbs, healthy sources of protein and spring water . A healthy blissful desert is also included during the early evening. All training materials including Sanskrit terms are included. See what you are responsible for below. Additional Ayurveda therapies are also offered.
Please Note: there is both wifi and cell phone service at this location. We only turn it on and allow the cell phone use during specific appointed times so that you gain the most out of your immersion experience.
“Eating for Life” Introduction to Ayurveda with emphasis on optimal nutritional guidelines for ideal dietary practices to obtain and maintain higher energy levels and radiant health. Each day includes hands on instruction for preparing Prana / Qi / Life Force Rich foods: instruction includes proper food combining for best assimilation and absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to help protect and strengthen teeth, bones, organs and every cell in the body as well as simple Ayurvedic techniques. All based on our Eating for Life Cookbook – this is your gift to take home and start preparing wonderful new meal ideas.
“The Power of Clarimizing” Principles for more conscious communication – learn through the power of your words and thoughts to form the most beneficial mental images for safety, strength, revitalization and restoration for yourself and students. Through the use of “Clarimizingā¢” an evolutionary gift unique to HERIZENā¢ Yoga for Women we cultivate happiness within ourselves and others.
“Yoga Lifestyle” Discover the art of living Consciously through the virtues of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga. Create balance, equanimity so as to live in peace, good health and harmony with the greater whole. Full expression of ourselves is also key to a richer and more fulfilling life. Learn the art of creative self-expression through sacred songs, chants, kirtan, puja,universal dances of India and the World, all of which will awaken the goddess within, deepen your yoga practice and create a more heart centered, health filled life of Awareness and Inner Peace.
“Live your Dream” Discover your Purpose and follow your Bliss. Learn “The Secret” to becoming a successful Yoga teacher and inspiring others to live a healthy, fun and blissful life. You will learn transformational confidence building techniques that will encourage you to create and manifest your desired dreams in Yoga and in your life.
“Chakra stimulating practices” Activate the power centers at our adrenals, regenerates, liver, thymus, thyroid, pineal glands and brain, keeping them strong, healthy and functioning at their best.
“Description of Food” You will be nourished lavishly with an abundance of local fresh fruits and organic vegetables grown at local farms just for you. Also included, are a variety of nuts / butters, avocados, sprouts, and healthy forms of protein during the Van Isle Yoga Teacher Training / Certification summer immersion. There are three vegetarian meals in the day, two light and a delicious Ayurvedic hot prana rich vegetarian meal served in the late afternoon with a delightful desert in the early evening. Also in this program you will receive interactive instruction in the preparation of Ayurvedic and ideal dietary practices. Every vegetarian meal will meet these ideal dietary practices to obtain and maintain higher energy levels and radiant health. We accommodate Vegan and Gluten free.
“Sacred Cacao Shakti Ceremony” Cacao Devi is pure Shakti. Her Goddess energy, essence and gifts are in many ways akin to some of the traditional Goddess qualities – feminine, rich, abundant, fertile, generous, nurturing, life giving, powerful and regenerative. This small and beautiful Cacao bean is revered for its heart opening effects that its journey has carried it world wide. Today, Cacao has reclaimed its position as a sacred ceremonial medicine and is offered within a dance ritual of letting go and manifestation. Through the use of our handcraft Sacred Cacao Elixr and specially designed Shakti Dance Ritual, students often receive life-changing experiences, huge breakthroughs, clarity of mind and a passion for their true purpose.COMPLIMENTARY All registered participants are gifted free a 2021 numerology prediction reading and a copy of our E- Cookbook “Eating for Life Tm“
“To Enhance Your Experience” During your stay you have the option to gain further insight into yourself through other Healing Practices. In addition we offer the following with certified practitioners for an additional fee. A list of services with fees is sent once enrollement has been completed.
Ayurveda Consultation
Ayurveda Pancha Karma Therapies
Prashna Astrology (ask any question)
* 20 Hours of non contact pre study assignments complete before arrival (remaining 180 hours on site) materials are included in training.
Upon registration we send all study materials and assignments for the 20 hours.
* All personal insurance including both Trip and Medical .
* Travel to and from Gabriola Island – we transport you to Mudge Island.
* Additional study books – ask for details
* Laundry, phone calls
* All Taxes – GST
* Yoga mat & strap (blocks are included)
* Any personal items – alarm clock, headlamp, clothes
* Additional, specific items other than the what to bring list – mask, personal hand sanitizer, thermometer
* Print yourself or have printed the training materials – they come via email
* All Travel requirements for COVID-19 – test etc..
“Your Van Isle YTT Yoga Intensive & Self-Awareness Program Leaders” HERIZENā¢ Yoga and Self Awareness Program Leaders are dedicated and committed to Being there for all students to inspire, encourage, teach and coach in a way that serves with loving, nurturing and compassionate values. Details here
“Van Isle YTT Yoga Intensive Certification” A Level 1 – 200 Hour Hatha Flow Yoga Teacher Training Certificate is provided to all successful candidates along with a letter of reference for the Yoga AllianceĀ® Registry.
Actualize your dream of Being an Internationally Heart Centered Certified Yoga Teacher today.
If you are wondering how we manage the hours for the training please contact directly. Our program has been audited by Yoga Alliance to be sure our program hours meet the standards and are approved. Remember, this is an intensive program for those women that wish to move to Self Mastery and may be limited on time away from family or other committments in life.
This program goes beyond asanas, anatomy, nutrition and meditation. It is a contribution to the unfolding of the expansion of our parameters for global awakening. Move into your heart centre at our all natural Yoga Camp located on an incredilble nature filled property at Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
Email us today:
Skype: Valma-Herizen
HERIZENā¢ Yoga for Women also offers Baja Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive & Self Mastery for Women in Mexico.
*Next Available Baja, Mexico at the Clarananda Nature Retreat is
*Nov 8 to Nov 20, 2021 and Mar 14 to Mar 26, 2022
Details here Self Investment Value go here
Arrive to Todos Santos on the first day at 3:30pm for pick up at the Todos Santos bus depot and we will transport you to “Clarananda” for check in, orientation and an evening session. Graduation is by 6pm on the last day. Leave after graduation or stay overnight and depart by 9am the day after graduation. We will transport you back to the Todos Santos bus depot.
*Join us for our annual
North India Spiritual Vacation – Shakti Yoga Adventure for Women –
Oct 13 to Oct 28, 2022 Space DETAILS GO HERE
Add on South India – The Way of Ayurveda – Oct 28 to Nov 5, 2022 Space
This is a Level 1: 200 Hr Registered Yoga Alliance,
Yoga Teacher Training / Certification Intensive

Van Isle Yoga Teacher Training Intensive / Certification Westglade Farm