“Sailing in Belize was awesome. The jungle add on experience was well worth it, too. Valma is an experienced sailor and captain and it is a pleasure to sail with her. I sailed with her in Belize and in BC in the Gulf islands, and learned a lot on both trips. The crew were great and, in both instances, these strong, empowered women formed lifetime friendships. Once you sail with Valma and crew, you’ll want to keep sailing!”
Dee, Canada
“Man, the wild West Coast! Here is where respect for Mother Nature gets imprinted on your soul – in every way possible. Challenging and rugged, peaceful and awe inspiring, hard core and soft core- we experienced it all on this trip. There were all levels of sailors and we enriched our skills, our knowledge and our lives. If you’re looking for adventure, you will find it with Valma Brenton.”
Janice Briggs
“Valma Brenton is the real deal. In the biggest swells I always felt safe and confident – and challenged to learn and grow. She knows her stuff through and through, is a great teacher and a wonderful person to be around. She’s a total pro. Safety was paramount and a part of every choice we made. I knew she had our back. Valma also made sure we were learning – not just sitting back. It’s a very hands on experience and I can’t tell you how comfortable and confident I am sailing now. Both on and off the literal water.”
Urszula Lipsztajn, Squamish, BC, Canada
“I had never sailed before embarking on this adventure. What a rewarding experience! I not only learned basic sailing skills from a competent skipper and a great coach but I met some wonderful women. I left the BVI feeling relaxed, more confident, with some sailing skills and a desire to learn more, and some great memories! Thanks Valma.”
Lianne Pepper, Ottawa, Canada
“I just want to shout out that the time sailing with Valma and her crew was one of the best times of my life! I found it to be transformational. I connected with my vision for my career and my life! I have been more relaxed, focused and productive since our sailing in Greece Adventure! I am on track to achieve my dreams!
Jeri Childers
“When I saw the sailing trip in Thailand on the Andaman Sea I knew I wanted to go. To venture off was a little intimidating, however after chatting with Valma the conversation only confirmed that I wanted to be on this trip. What an adventure! Sailing, yoga, exotic beaches, sunsets, wonderful food and a crew of truly incredible women to share the experience. Valma is an amazing woman with a gift for teaching and encouraging others to be their best. Whether it was sailing skills, yoga or as a life coach, Valma has an innate ability to pass on knowledge in the right moments and with clarity. It was an incredible trip in so many ways. Thank you Valma!
Rose Whiten – White Rock, BC, Canada
“When Valma posted her sailing trip to Thailand on her website a part of me jumped for joy inside and I wanted to sign up immediately – but I didn’t, I hesitated and thought of reasons why I should wait. But I kept talking about it and looking at the website until my husband said, in a loving supportive way… “DO IT, stop talking about it and DO IT”. I held my breath and stopped listening to the part of me that kept finding ways to keep me from my passion… I said YES :), but by then the trip was full 🙁 It was a lesson for me about how I can deny myself in life and I resolved to say YES to what excites me in life. As luck, or divine intervention, would have it, Valma put on an additional trip but I was ready and jumped at the opportunity. The two weeks sailing IN THAILAND renewed me from the inside out. I could not believe I was sailing IN THAILAND!! On top of exploring a whole new part of the world, I built on my sailing skills, crammed more knowledge into my brain, experienced the gentle, happy people of Thailand, and basically…Had A Blast! All I can say is … say YES to your dreams today and you will be amazed at how life says Yes back 🙂
Thank you again Valma for the opportunity to experience the world from such a unique and valuable perspective. You so easily make “the world” your home and welcome others to join in your love, light, and adventures:) Take Care”
Janice Briggs – Nanaimo, Canada
For me, this sailing experience with HERIZEN Sailing for Women, with Valma allowed me to feel more calm and confident with my sailing skills. In a nutshell, an empowering, nurturing, spiritual sailing adventure filled with learnings of all types. Thanks, Valma. The lessons and skills will travel with me on my life’s journey. Be well.
Ann Titford
Breathe deep and slow. Experience a week of sailing with women who become friends, feeling the fresh breezes on your face, relaxing with wine to watch the sunset and sleep with a trillion stars above the boat. I was looking for time away from the everyday stress of my career and an opportunity to build my skills in sailing. I received so much more. It was truly a pleasure to pause and enjoy the unhurried adventure of sailing with a 6 woman crew and enjoying the camaraderie of mutual experience and interests with newfound friends. I recommend HERIZEN Sailing for Women as a wonderful place to discover a very personal adventure and the opportunity to grow. Thanks again, it was a total delight!
Linda Brown
“The trip to Johnstone Strait and Desolation Sound was one of the biggest adventures of my life. Valma is an amazingly adaptable and expert teacher. She embraces and celebrates the uniqueness found in everyone she meets. As a role model, inspiration, and amazing woman, she has helped me to grow immensely in self awareness and sailing abilities. I will take these gifts with me throughout my life.”
Heather Bower, Canada
“I wanted to add that I am very thankful that I took the sailing experience in Belize. It enabled me to tap into my intuition as to what strengths I have and to turn any weaknesses into strengths. To use each piece of knowledge you taught me as an an opportunity to learn more.”
Your course provided me with the self esteem and sense of well being to believe in myself. I feel blessed and am truly appreciative of the faith and confidence you placed in myself and the others. You pushed me to expand my comfort zone and you opened doors of opportunity that I subconsciously knew were there but had been tucked away deep and dark.
One statement you made really struck a cord with me and that was when you discussed how we are raised to meet certain standards. I.e. to get A’s in school, to wear our Sunday best, to be compared to the Jones so to speak….but in reality all that matters is how we match up to ourselves. To our capabilities, to our capacities for learning and growing, expanding our knowledge and with these tools in hand to expand our comfort zones. Did you know that there is a tree that for the first 7 years of its life you do not see more than an inch of growth, but at the end of the 7th year and into the 8th year this tree grows up to 100 feet in one year! I feel like you found me in year 7 going onto year 8 and reminded me that it is time for me to SPROUT and grow big, tall and strong!
Dorothy Hilde, Greenwood, Canada
“If I could create my perfect day it would be learning to sail with a skilled Captain through the islands off Belize, snorkelling and swimming with dolphins in the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, preparing and eating delicious food, creating life-long friendships and having the time of my life! That’s how I spent 7 perfect and glorious days in November 2008 celebrating my 50th Birthday!”
Cathy Yost, Professional Certified Coach, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Life truly is an adventure and this week of sailing in the British Virgin Islands with Valma has proven it. I feel more confident on the water and feel taller too. There was a wonderful connection with the women on board. We worked as a team, shared the chores and laughed a lot. I’d love my daughter to have this experience and encourage any woman to step out their comfort zone and take the helm. Thank you Valma! Love and light.
Lynda Crawford
“Upon returning from my Gulf Islands, British Columbia sailing adventure with Capt. Valma, I immediately booked my next expedition with HERIZEN™. Valma helped me take my fledgling sailing skills and confidence to new levels I could only dream of. Along with vast and thorough technical knowledge, Valma brought body-mind wholeness to my learning. She helped make sense of my apprehensions and safely guided me through and beyond them. I am in awe of her ability to explain and describe in endless ways until the light bulbs go on. I could practice and return to the most basic skills as often as I needed to. This is the beginning of seeing sailing in new ways and I can hardly wait to learn more.”
Laurie Bowers – Alberta, Canada
This HERIZEN™ sailing adventure blew my socks off in every direction. I had no idea I could be as competent at the helm and as crew. I have gained a level of mastery that has fueled my passion for the water even more. Valma is amazing – a teaching machine – I never stopped learning. This week far exceeded my expectations and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to master sailing, and go to the next level of self-awareness. I can hardly wait until next year.
Janice Briggs – Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
I had not sailed for over 10 years, so this course was a good way for me to clear the cobwebs of my knowledge. Valma gives very clear instructions and uses various methodologies to approach different learning styles – Bravo!”
Sylvia Malzacher – Paris, France
“The best gift I’ve ever given to myself. It was a wonderful life experience and adventure. Captain Valma is fun to be with and has the patience of a saint. I re-kindled my love of sailing.”
Edie Gano – New York, USA
“Valma, in such a short time you helped me sail on my 39 ‘ Folkes moving from fear of sailing to JOY! You showed me how to let go of the experiences of the past to create space for the new and positive experiences. You are incredibly competent and caring and I highly recommend you to anyone who wants to move forward both in sailing and in life.”
Lin Sheffield
“I would highly recommend this sailing retreat to anyone who is seriously wants to learn how to sail and or simply wants to take the helm of their life with greater awareness and confidence. Valma’s level of skill and comprehension of the art of sailing combined with her patience and sensitivity to her students is astounding. I could not imagine a better teacher, mentor, and motivator! I feel empowered, inspired and I can sail!”
Linda Lopez